Manage Potassium to Control Cotton Stemphylium Leafspot

Now is the time to implement potassium (K) management plans for cotton. Late-season K deficiency is linked to cotton leafspot (Stemphylium) disease. Stemphylium begins with minor leaf spotting and can lead to severe premature defoliation under certain circumstances....
Buckeye Rot in Tomatoes

Buckeye Rot in Tomatoes

With the recent frequent rains and hot temperatures, the incidence of buckeye rot on field tomatoes has increased in Holmes County, especially on tomatoes that were not planted on plastic mulch. This disease in tomatoes is caused by Phytophthora parasitica, and...

Pest Alert: Boxwood Blight

Fanny Iriarte, Mathews Paret, and Gary Knox University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy Basic Information Boxwoods (Buxusspp.) are commercially important evergreen ornamental plants with an annual market value of over $103 million in the...
What You Need To Know About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

What You Need To Know About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

You may have heard about avian Influenza, otherwise known as “bird flu” in the news over the past few years. Bird flu is a virus, and is in the same class of viruses (Type A) that cause swine flu, equine flu, and human flu. Just as with human flu, there...

Gummy Stem Blight Spreading in Panhandle Watermelons

Gummy stem blight is a highly destructive, foliar fungal disease of watermelon that can cause yield losses of more than 50%. This disease is currently confirmed in multiple locations in Northwest and Northeast of Florida. Recent weather conditions of high humidity and...