Cercospora: A Fungal Problem for Summer Vegetables

This summer’s rainy and humid weather has created a perfect environment for the proliferation of a variety of fungal diseases. Of  particular interest is Cercospora, which is a genus of fungus containing over 1,200 different species. Because there are so many...
Target Spot on the Increase in Cotton

Target Spot on the Increase in Cotton

Target spot disease was confirmed from a sample taken in Santa Rosa County on June 27 and is becoming increasingly widespread on cotton throughout the area. This is likely due to all the rain we’ve been getting and the resulting rank growth in many fields. Studies the...
White Mold Confirmed in Santa Rosa Peanut Trial

White Mold Confirmed in Santa Rosa Peanut Trial

There are confirmed hits of white mold in the Extension Peanut Fungicide trial here in Santa Rosa County, up to 3 hits per 25 foot of row. White mold is one of those diseases that can be field diagnosed with near 100% accuracy when the small BB-like, mustard seed...

Excessive Rain Creates Many Problems for Growers

In recent days, farms in several central and western panhandle counties have received exceptional amounts of rainfall. Some areas reported as much as 25 inches of rain in the last week.  Excessive rain and the accompanying flooding will cause a variety of problems for...