UGA’s 10 Recommendations for Successful Wheat Production

UGA’s 10 Recommendations for Successful Wheat Production

  Rome Ethredge, Interim UGA Grains and Soybean Agronomist, and Dewey Lee, Professor-retired, University of Georgia   Wheat can be an excellent off-season crop to supplement income for row crop farms.  It can also provide the numerous conservation benefits...
Late Maturing Soybean Update

Late Maturing Soybean Update

Rome Ethredge, Interim UGA Grains and Soybean Agronomist Most soybeans either have been or are currently being harvested. Soybeans left in the field now were planted later, mostly after small grain or corn harvest (ultra-late).  If you have soybeans still in the...
Grain Sorghum (aka Milo) Update

Grain Sorghum (aka Milo) Update

Rome Ethredge, Interim UGA Grains and Soybean Agronomist Anthracnose levels have been increasing and documented in later planted Grain Sorghum this week. If you have any planted acres, now is the time to scout for disease if you have not already. This disease is often...
Asian Longhorned Tick found on North Georgia Cow

Asian Longhorned Tick found on North Georgia Cow

Jennifer Whitaker, Georgia Farm Bureau The Asian Longhorned Tick – an invasive species with the potential to cause severe anemia and tick fever in livestock – has been positively identified on a cow in Pickens County (North Central GA), the Georgia...
2021 Cotton Production Issues in the Western Panhandle

2021 Cotton Production Issues in the Western Panhandle

The 2021 growing season has not been a good one for cotton producers in the Western Panhandle of Florida.  An overabundance of rain, lack of sunshine, and poor overall conditions has led to cotton looking less than stellar.  Though plants look good when whizzing by at...