by Xavier Martini | Feb 14, 2020
There has been an increasing interest in growing cold hardy citrus in North Florida. While the production of citrus is still minimal, compared to the Florida Peninsula, the acreage of citrus is now above 400 acres in the Panhandle. Packing houses and a juice plant...
by Matthew Orwat | Feb 14, 2020
Currently, growers are harvesting lettuce, broccoli, cabbage and other winter vegetable crops, and not thinking about spraying fruit trees and berry bushes for insects and diseases. February is prime time to apply dormant sprays to aid in the prevention of insect and...
by Ray Bodrey | Feb 7, 2020
Huanglongbing (HLB) or “citrus greening” is a disease that has devastated the citrus industry in Florida. Many large producers are looking for ways to combat this crisis. Some growers are investing in citrus under protected screen (CUPS), which provide a reduced risk...
by Danielle S. Williams | Dec 20, 2019
Scouting for citrus greening disease or huanglongbing (HLB) should be an essential practice of citrus growers in our area. The symptoms of this disease can be found year round, but they are most visible now through March. Citrus greening affects all varieties of...
by Ethan Carter | Nov 15, 2019
The second week of November has finally brought cold temperatures to the Panhandle, something needed to kill regrowth in cotton fields. The past several years we have had increasingly warm winters with few to no hard freezes. As a result, pest populations that would...
by Joe Funderburk | Sep 27, 2019
Joe Funderburk, UF/IFAS Entomology Specialist The western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) has spread worldwide as a result of global trade. It directly damages numerous crops in Florida as a result of adult and larval feeding activities. It is also the key...