by Doug Mayo | Dec 1, 2017
Dennis Hancock, UGA State Forage Extension Specialist Have you noticed bronzing on your bermudagrass? It may appear as drought or frost-damaged fields, but it could also be the bermudagrass stem maggot. Since the first appearance in Georgia in 2010, producers have...
by Josh Freeman | Sep 15, 2017
As if the fall season wasn’t challenging enough from a pest and disease perspective, throw in a hurricane and it gets much worse. Luckily, the storm missed most of the Panhandle. Tomato and cucurbit producing areas in Gadsden and Jackson counties likely saw the...
by Joe Funderburk | Sep 8, 2017
Joe Funderburk, Professor of Entomology, NFREC Quincy A UF/IFAS EDIS fact sheet is now available entitled “Insect and Mite Integrated Pest Management in Florida Cotton” by Joe Funderburk, Nicole Casuso, Norman Leppla, and Michael Donahue. The guide...
by Ethan Carter | Aug 25, 2017
Sliverleaf whiteflies (SLWF), also known as sweet potato whiteflies, are a major pest in many cropping systems. The SLWF has a broad feeding range of over 600 host plants, which includes ornamental, vegetable, and field crops. This season, large populations of...
by Ethan Carter | Aug 11, 2017
Silvana Paula-Moraes began working in the fall of 2016 at the UF/IFAS West Florida Research and Education Center (WFREC) based in Jay, Florida. Originally from Brazil, Dr. Moraes completed her PhD in Nebraska. Her research has been dedicated to address several...