Friday Feature:  Cattle Traceability Update from CattleTrace

Friday Feature: Cattle Traceability Update from CattleTrace

This week’s featured video was published by U.S. CattleTrace, which is a non-profit organization, formed by multiple state cattlmen’s associations and private industry, with the mission of securely maintaining and managing the data collected for disease...
Pasture & Hayfield Fall Armyworm Control

Pasture & Hayfield Fall Armyworm Control

Fall armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperida) are a common pest in North Florida that can devastate a grass or forage crop. The fall armyworm is a part of the insect family Noctuidae. You can identify the caterpillars by the inverted Y-shaped marking on their head (Figure...
Cotton Foliar Diseases Are Here: To Spray or Not To Spray?

Cotton Foliar Diseases Are Here: To Spray or Not To Spray?

Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Regional Row Crop IPM Agent, Ian Small, UF/IFAS Crop Pathologist, and Bob Kemerait UGA Crop Pathologist For cotton growers, market prices have been extremely discouraging. With prices in the 65-70¢ range, it’s hard to justify intensive crop...
Crop Damage from Deer in the Panhandle

Crop Damage from Deer in the Panhandle

  Samantha M. Wisely, Wildlife Extension Specialist, University of Florida White-tailed deer (Figure 1 above) are the most popular game species in Florida, and many Floridians actively promote their presence on their properties. Although wildlife are a valued...
Peanut Maturity & Pest Update – 8/15/24

Peanut Maturity & Pest Update – 8/15/24

Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Extension Regional Row Crop IPM Agent & Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County     Maturity Update The Tracker below shows the number of adjusted Growing Degree Days (aGDDs) accumulated by 80 fictional fields (8 locations x 10...