Benefits of Nematodes in Healthy Soil Ecosystems

Benefits of Nematodes in Healthy Soil Ecosystems

Nematodes. Those microscopic, worm-like creatures that enter or attach themselves to crop roots, pierce root tissue, suck up root juices, and destroy crop yields. But did you know, plant-parasitic nematodes are only a very small fraction of the nematodes living in...
Fall Weed Control in Pastures

Fall Weed Control in Pastures

Fall is not generally the right time to control many pasture weeds.  However, some perennial weeds are effectively controlled by fall herbicide applications.  Fall is a good time to treat for weeds such as cogongrass, blackberries, dewberries, biennial thistles, and...
Rapid Response Team Deployed to Investigate Peanut Collapse

Rapid Response Team Deployed to Investigate Peanut Collapse

Shannon McAmis, De Broughton, Nick Dufault, Ian Small, Zane Grabau, Barry Tillman, and Diane Rowland, UF/IFAS Extension In 2017, peanut growers of the Panhandle and North Central regions in Florida, and many areas in Georgia faced a number of issues. In addition to...
Grafting Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Improved Yield

Grafting Tomatoes for Disease Resistance and Improved Yield

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend North Carolina State’s Tomato Field Day, at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC.  Every summer crowds flock from all over the Southeast to learn what’s new in the world of...