Pasture & Hayfield Fall Armyworm Control

Pasture & Hayfield Fall Armyworm Control

Fall armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperida) are a common pest in North Florida that can devastate a grass or forage crop. The fall armyworm is a part of the insect family Noctuidae. You can identify the caterpillars by the inverted Y-shaped marking on their head (Figure...
Cotton Foliar Diseases Are Here: To Spray or Not To Spray?

Cotton Foliar Diseases Are Here: To Spray or Not To Spray?

Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Regional Row Crop IPM Agent, Ian Small, UF/IFAS Crop Pathologist, and Bob Kemerait UGA Crop Pathologist For cotton growers, market prices have been extremely discouraging. With prices in the 65-70¢ range, it’s hard to justify intensive crop...
Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

In scouting peanut fields over the last week, things mostly look good!  Fields have recovered from an excessively hot, dry June, plants have lapped, or nearly lapped the row middles, and weeds are mostly cleaned up.  However, of immediate concern is the emergence of...