Legume Mites:  An Unusual Pest Found Again

Legume Mites: An Unusual Pest Found Again

Just as clover overcomes the cold temperatures and short days of winter a new problem has arrived – legume mites (Petrobia apicalis). These pests which feed on the underside of clover leaves, can cause quite dramatic symptoms in a stand of clover. Almost exactly one...

Scout Pastures for Toxic Perilla Mint this Fall

Perilla mint (perilla frutescnes) aka Beefstakeplant is a toxic weed that typically grows in shady, to partially shaded areas, damp spots, woodland edges, and  fence-lines of pastures in the Southeast. Positive identification of this weed has been made in a number of...
White Sugarcane Aphid Spreading Across North Florida

White Sugarcane Aphid Spreading Across North Florida

A new aphid pest of sorghum has rapidly spread throughout north Florida this summer. Last year the white sugarcane aphid was reported causing damage in Texas, Louisiana, and in the western part of Mississippi. It has now moved eastward into Alabama, north Florida, and...
Spider Mites in West Florida Peanuts

Spider Mites in West Florida Peanuts

At this time of year, most producers are thinking about finishing their peanut crops and harvesting, but because of the late start to the season, there are still some management decisions left to be made. Northwest Florida has not had steady rains the past 6 weeks,...