To Control or Not to Control Winter Weeds?

To Control or Not to Control Winter Weeds?

While it may still be quite warm outside, it’s November.  Summer is gone and with it our opportunity to efficiently manage this year’s crop of summer pasture weeds. That, however, is not the case for winter weeds. Now is the time to begin scouting and...
Fall is Here – It’s Time to Spray Cogongrass

Fall is Here – It’s Time to Spray Cogongrass

Without question, Cogongrass is the most troublesome invasive plant that I (and my clients) deal with. Here in Northwest Florida, we have a lot of it, and it is very difficult to manage. With that in mind, I write about cogongrass control with some frequency. If you...
Friday Feature:  Brush Bullet Provides Targeted Brush Control

Friday Feature: Brush Bullet Provides Targeted Brush Control

This week’s featured video was published by Jason Abraham, Mendota Ranch, who is the inventor of the Brush Bullet , which is a very simple way to treat a serious pest issue.  The Red Cedar, (which is technically a Juniper tree) is an invasive brush species of...