Friday Feature:  Brunswick Grass Control in Bahia Pastures

Friday Feature: Brunswick Grass Control in Bahia Pastures

This week’s featured video was produced by the Panhandle Ag Extension Team on their YouTube Channel:  In this video Pratap Devkota, UF/IFAS Extension Weed Scientist, West Florida Research and Education Center,...
Preemergence Herbicide Treatments Behind the Cotton Planter

Preemergence Herbicide Treatments Behind the Cotton Planter

– Dr. Steve Li, Auburn Weed Scientist – Cotton planting will be in full swing in just another week or two. One thing that I cannot emphasize enough is to START CLEAN (free of weeds), particularly in no-till fields. A single-pass burndown treatment is often...
Four Early-Season Lessons from 2020 Peanut Production

Four Early-Season Lessons from 2020 Peanut Production

Michael J. Mulvaney, UF/IFAS Cropping Systems Specialist, CCA – Check the germ rate of your seed I was shocked last year to see so many skippy stands, because we didn’t check the germ rate. Many peanut fields had 2 plants/ft! At that rate, you’ve taken your...
Friday Feature: FarmWise Vegetable AI Weed Control

Friday Feature: FarmWise Vegetable AI Weed Control

This week’s featured video was published by FarmWise to promote their autonomous machines that cruise organic vegetable fields in California and Arizona to remove weeds soon after emergence.  The machines utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to navigate farm...