Satsuma Protection in Cold Weather Extremes

This week, Northwest Florida received some of the coldest weather in recent years, with lows ranging from 14 ºF to 20 ºF two nights in a row. This had the potential to impact local citrus production areas heavily. It is still too early to asses the full extent of the...
2013 Panhandle FAWN Weather Summary

2013 Panhandle FAWN Weather Summary

The rainfall in 2013 was certainly varied across all six Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) Stations located in the Panhandle.  The Carrabelle station collected over 78″ and the driest location was in Jay where a more normal 52 inches fell for the year. ...
November 2013 Weather Summary

November 2013 Weather Summary

November, much like the previous two months was more normal for rainfall.  The wet spot in November was in Carabelle, with over 4 inches recorded, compared to the dry location, Monticello where less than an inch fell.  The average rainfall for the region in November...
NOAA Predicting Drier and Warmer Conditions this Winter

NOAA Predicting Drier and Warmer Conditions this Winter

On November 21st, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center issued its seasonal outlook for December through February. Typically, the highlights for winter revolve around the temperature outlook, but this year it appears that persisting and potentially developing drought could...

October 13 Weather Summary and Winter Forecast

October 2013 was another dry month like September.  October is normally a low rainfall month in the Florida Panhandle, but this year’s edition was even drier than normal with an average across the 5 stations of only 1.3″.  The FAWN Station at Monticello...