June Brings Welcome Rain

The Panhandle received more rain the first week of June than the whole month of May.  After record rainfall in February, March, April and May were below average.  Temperatures also climbed well into the 90’s in May, but have not yet topped the 95 degree mark. ...

North Florida First-Quarter Weather Summary

Download the Jan-Mar 2013 Jackson Co Weather Summary with daily rainfall, temperatures and comparison to the 61 year rainfall history at the North Florida Research and Education Center.     The weather in the first quarter of 2013 showed significant...

Winter Storm “Rocky” brings Drought Relief

High Rainfall Reduces Drought in the Panhandle The Weather Channel started naming winter storms this season to raise public awareness and to help track storms as they move across the country. Winter Storms “Q” and especially “Rocky”...

Seasonal Drought Outlook 1-17-13

Provided by:  Clyde Fraisse, Agricultural & Biological Engineering cfraisse@ufl.edu 90-day Outlook Summary A seasonal forecast is the best available prediction of what our climate will be like in the next few months. It is different from a weather forecast in that...