Hunting Leases on Rural Land

Hunting Leases on Rural Land

  Source:  Rusty Rumley,  Senior Staff Attorney, The National Ag Law Center, Southern Ag Today As fall approaches, so does hunting season.  As hunters are scouting for the best locations, landowners may be searching for opportunities to generate additional...
Crop Damage from Deer in the Panhandle

Crop Damage from Deer in the Panhandle

  Samantha M. Wisely, Wildlife Extension Specialist, University of Florida White-tailed deer (Figure 1 above) are the most popular game species in Florida, and many Floridians actively promote their presence on their properties. Although wildlife are a valued...
Adding Soft Mast Trees to Your Wildlife Food Plots

Adding Soft Mast Trees to Your Wildlife Food Plots

I haven’t yet met a hunter that didn’t want to improve his/her hunting situation and attract more deer.  Over the last couple of years, I have written about several strategies Panhandle hunters can adopt to accomplish just that – namely planting warm season forages...