Friday Featured Video: Alabama Catfish Farming
This week's featured video was published by Madison Brown to highlight catfish farming. In the video, Brown interviews Alabama catfish farmers, for her RFD-TV program called, "Chasing Down Madison Brown." She shares some highlights of the types of modern technology...

How Well Do Root-Knot Nematode Resistant Peanut Cultivars Perform in Florida?
Peanut root-knot nematode is one of the major pests in peanut production in Florida and throughout the Southeast. Along with crop rotation and nematicide application, use of resistant peanut cultivars is a primary method for managing peanut root-knot nematode. (For...

The Different Growing Phases of Chickens: An Overview for Healthy, Productive Flock Development
Chickens go through several stages of growth, each with specific needs to ensure their health and productivity. While some may argue that there are numerous phases throughout a chicken's lifespan, for simplicity, we’ll break them down into three key phases: the...

2025 Panhandle Corn & Soybean Update – Recap & Presentations
The 2025 iteration of the Panhandle Corn & Soybean Update took place at the Washington County Agricultural Center, in Chipley, on Friday February 7th. There were approximately 60 in attendance at the event. The first speaker of the day was Dr. Isaac Esquivel, from...

2025 Row Crop Production Meeting – February 21
Row Crop Farmers are invited to the 2025 Row Crop Production Meeting, in Jay, Florida. This event, which was rescheduled because of the snow week in January, will bring together top experts to share the latest research, best management practices, and updates to...

Upcoming Soybean Webinars for Farmers – February 28 & March 14
There are 2 free upcoming seminars that will be provided by the national Science for Success team of Soybean Extension Specialists. The series will feature leading researchers discussing solutions for two of the industry’s biggest challenges—weather variability and...

2025 Cool-Season Forage Tour – February 26
Program Highlights - Overview of cool-season forage systems for dairy and beef cattle - Discussions on cool-season forage varieties, production, quality, and tour of the official variety trials - Forage seeding rates to optimize production and expenditures - Forage...

2025 Citrus Health Forum – March 6
Citrus growers from across the Florida Panhandle, as well as Southern Georgia and Alabama are invited to attend the 2025 Citrus Health Forum. The workshop will be held at the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy (155 Research Road, Quincy,...

Friday Featured Video: Grass Tetany in Lactating Cows on Winter Grazing
This week's featured video was published by Sunup TV, which is a weekly public television show provided by the Oklahoma Extension Service. In this video, Dr. Rosslyn Biggs, DVM, and OSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, discusses managing Grass Tetany, which is a...

Q&A: Selecting Effective Replacement Heifers
A typical cow-calf rancher will replace 17% of their total herd each year, as bred heifers are added to the inventory to replace the culled cows. Meaning, a 100-head cow operation will on average need enough bred heifers to replace 17 culled cows. If you...