Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Control Using Natural Enemies

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Control Using Natural Enemies

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend North Carolina State’s Tomato Field Day, at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC.  Every summer crowds flock from all over the Southeast to learn what’s new in the world of...

Kudzu Bugs – Will They Overwinter in Your Neighborhood?

Were you among the many visited by Kudzu Bugs last week?  If you saw a large number of small greenish, round, flattened insects on your home’s exterior walls, then “yes” is the answer! You and lots of your friends and neighbors received an unexpected guest last week...

New World Screwworm: Gone -Yes, but not Forgotten!

Several kinds of maggots infest the wounds of warm-blooded animals; however, the only one that feeds exclusively on live flesh is the screwworm, and Florida has a long history with New World Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax).  The adult flies of these flesh eating...

Hay Producers Need to Scout For Horsenettles

  Some of Walton County’s perennial peanut producers are experiencing an outbreak of Horsenettles (Solanum carolinense).  This pasture weed is also known as love-apple or wild tomato in panhandle Florida, and is toxic to humans and livestock.  It is often...