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Today is National Trail Mix Day, and we thought it would be fun to offer an activity you can do with your club or county council to practice parliamentary procedure!  Not only is this a fun learning activity, it can double as a club snack. Just be aware of any food allergies your club members have and avoid those items.

Supplies Needed (omit any items members are allergic to):

  • Pretzels
  • Cereal
  • Popcorn
  • Dried fruit such as raisins or cranberries
  • Nuts
  • Candy coated chocolate or chocolate chips
  • Large bowl
  • Serving spoon
  • Paper cups or bowls for serving

Display the ingredients and talk about the importance of using parliamentary procedure to insure a successful business meeting. Review the procedures for how to make a motion and how to vote. Alternatively, you could play these 4-H videos to cover how to make a motion, discuss, and vote on a motion. These infographics on How to Make a Motion, How to Vote, and How to Use a Gavel make great handouts for club members. It is recommended that you print and laminate these ahead of time so they can be used until members feel comfortable with parliamentary procedure.


Explain that by using the process of making Trail Mix, members will learn how to make a motion and vote using parliamentary procedure.

As members go through the process of deciding what ingredients they will put in the Trail Mix, they will need to correctly make a motion for each ingredient
they want to add. (“I move that ____be added to the Trail Mix.”)

The chair should ask for a second, discuss, then take a vote.  Don’t forget to tap the gavel once to announce the results of the vote. As items are voted to be added, a volunteer should add them to the large serving bowl, mixing well after each ingredient is added.

Continue the process of making motions, discussing, and voting for each ingredient.  If the group gets off topic, or out of hand, the chair can use multiple taps of the gavel to restore order.

Once the Trail Mix has been completed, serve the Trail Mix for a snack.


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