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You can exhibit canned food at the North Florida Fair to earn ribbons and fair premiums. Whether you grew or harvested the food yourself, or you purchased food that was in season to preserve, exhibiting canned food is a big part of any 4-H food safety or preservation project. This article will help you prepare your canned goods to exhibit at the North Florida Fair, and includes a link to the fair rules, a short video highlighting common issues to avoid, and how to prepare your entry tag. 

Class 6 Rules- Preparing your canned food for entry in the North Florida Fair requires following careful guidelines to ensure your food is safe to eat. The rules for entry outlines these required elements.  

Class 6 Preparation Tips & Video– When selecting your recipe, check with your local Extension office to ensure the recipe is following the appropriate guidelines. Canned food entries are required to include a copy of your recipe and it’s source if you choose to retype for the entry. The preparation instructions on the recipe are the required procedures including appropriate jar preparation. This video explores a few of the overlooked requirements of entries and some of the judging criteria.

Preparing your entry tag– You will want to fill out your exhibitor’s form with all the items you plan to enter in the North Florida Fair. When filling our your exhibit tag, be sure to write the red tag number on your Fair Entry Form. Here is the information you need to correctly complete your entry tag:

  • Section – 210
  • Class- 6
  • Lot- This will be your age division; write “A” for juniors (8-10 years old), “B” for intermediates (11-13 years old), or “C” for seniors (14-18 years old). 
  • Exhibit- a short description of the item you are entering (example: canned tomatoes)
  • Exhibitor- Your name
  • Address- Name of your county

Once your tag is filled out, you will want to make sure that it is securely attached to your exhibit. Use the perforations at the bottom to remove your claim check- this has your exhibit number on it. You will want to keep track of your claim check to find your exhibit once the fair is over. 

For more information about canning and food preservation, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Office. Most offices offer canning and food preservation classes as well as educational resources.