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The North Florida Fair is a wonderful opportunity for 4-H youth to showcase their hard work, and that includes Cloverbuds! Youth aged 5 to 7 as of September 1 in the current 4-H year are eligible to participate in Florida 4-H and submit entries to the fair. This article covers the how and why of helping Cloverbuds prepare exhibits for the North Florida Fair.

Cloverbud clubs provide a great introduction to 4-H, offering younger members a chance to engage on a smaller scale. While Cloverbuds cannot compete in many 4-H events, they are invited to submit up to three entries to the North Florida Fair. Every Cloverbud who enters will receive a participation ribbon, which is a source of excitement and pride for them. Seeing their own work displayed alongside a variety of other entries can inspire new interests and creativity.  Cloverbud entries should reflect what the youth have learned during a 4-H meeting, project, or activity from the past year. The North Florida Fair embraces our 4-H youth and encourages all of them to submit entries in the youth fair, this includes Cloverbuds! Youth ages 5 to 7 as of September 1 of the current 4-H year are eligible to participate in Florida 4-H. The entry rules are listed under Department 210, 4-H Clubs, and Class 16.

Why Cloverbuds Receive Recognition Instead of Placings

Cloverbuds, ages 5 to 7, are in an early stage of youth development where the focus is on exploration, learning, and participation. At this age, children are still developing important social and cognitive skills, and competitive events can sometimes lead to unnecessary pressure. Instead of rankings or placings, Cloverbuds receive participation ribbons to encourage them to engage without the stress of competition. This approach ensures that young children are motivated by fun and personal growth, rather than comparison to others, which is more appropriate for their developmental stage.

Step 1- Fill out your entry form

Download and complete the entry form and turn it in to your local UF IFAS Extension Office on or before October 1st. Your local 4-H Agent will assign tag numbers to your exhibit and ensure that your form is turned in to the North Florida Fair Office. Your local 4-H agent will also let you know when and where to bring your exhibits.

Step 1- Preparing your entry tag– You will want to fill out your exhibitor’s form with all the items you plan to enter in the North Florida Fair. When filling out your exhibit tag, be sure to write the red tag number on your Fair Entry Form. Here is the information you need to correctly complete your entry tag:

  • Section – 210
  • Class- 16
  • Lot- This will be your age division; write Cloverbud
  • Exhibit- a short description of the item you are entering (example: painted pumpkin)
  • Exhibitor- Your name
  • Address- Name of your county

Once your tag is filled out, you will want to make sure that it is securely attached to your exhibit. Use the perforations at the bottom to remove your claim check- this has your exhibit number on it. You will want to keep track of your claim check to find your exhibit once the fair is over.







For more information about 4-H, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Office.

Resources for Cloverbud Fair Entries:

  1. 4-H Cloverbuds: A guide to help Cloverbuds and their parents understand 4-H activities and projects.
  2. North Florida Fair 4-H Rules and Guidelines: A detailed guide on fair entry requirements, including Department 210 and Class 16 for Cloverbuds.
  3. Creative Cloverbud Projects: A list of simple project ideas that can be used as fair entries, such as painted crafts, small posters, and beginner gardening projects.
  4. North Florida Fair Entry Form (for non-animal exhibits)