2024 4-H Northwest District Tailgating (Grilling) Contest Results
2024 4-H Northwest District Tailgating (Grilling) Contest Results
The 2024 4-H Northwest District Tailgating (Grilling) Contest was a great success and served as a platform to showcase the grilling talents of youth from various counties. This event is part of the broader Florida 4-H Tailgating Contest program, that aims to promote the safe preparation of animal proteins and develop valuable life skills in youth. The 2024 Florida 4-H District and State Contests are sponsored by Publix Super Markets and Sonny’s BBQ.
Program Overview
The Florida 4-H Tailgating Contest encourages participants to grill different types of proteins, including beef, pork, poultry, and shrimp. Youth compete at county and district levels, with top performers advancing to the state competition. The Contest also requires participants to create a tabletop display to show off their recipe and creativity. Participants may use a laptop/iPad/poster & easel to complement their tabletop display to describe their recipe. The overall program emphasizes the development of grilling skills, highlights food and fire safety, and promotes healthy lifestyle choices.
Beef Category
- 1st Place: Cate B. (Okaloosa)
- 2nd Place: Jade L. (Liberty)
- 3rd Place: Sydney G. (Escambia)
- 4th Place: Charlie B. (Gadsden)
Pork Category
- 1st Place: Taylor A. (Escambia)
- 2nd Place: Josh W. (Washington)
- 3rd Place: Brogan B. (Holmes)
- 4th Place: Malec C. (Liberty)
Chicken Category
- 1st Place: Tucker P. (Escambia)
- 2nd Place: Braden P. (Escambia)
- 3rd Place: Kylie T. (Bay)
- 4th Place: Emmit A. (Holmes)
Shrimp Category
- 1st Place: Chipper M. (Holmes)
- 2nd Place: Jeb W. (Gadsden)
- 3rd Place: Hunter S. (Escambia)
- 4th Place: Cheyanne H. (Gadsden)
Winners in each category were awarded as follows:
- 1st Place: $400
- 2nd Place: $250
- 3rd Place: $100
- 4th Place: $50
State Competition
The top two winners from each category will advance to the Florida 4-H Tailgating State Contest on October 5, 2024, at the Animal Sciences Beef Teaching Unit in Gainesville, FL. Participants will have the opportunity to compete for further recognition and scholarships.
State Contest
For each protein category:
- 1st Place: $1,500
- 2nd Place: $1,000
The Florida 4-H Tailgating Contest not only provides a competitive platform but also equips youth with essential life skills, fostering a healthy lifestyle and decision-making abilities (Florida 4-H) (UF IFAS Extension). For more information about the District Contests and the State Contest, contact your local 4-H Agent and visit Tailgate Contest – Florida 4-H – University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences – UF/IFAS (ufl.edu).
Why Agriculture is for Everyone
Welcome to “Fair Fridays!” Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing why fairs are still relevant today, and how your family can benefit. This week’s article is all about agriculture judging. If you are like me, you may wonder why anyone who doesn’t life on a farm might want to participate in agriculture judging. I didn’t grow up on a farm and I wasn’t a 4-H member, so when I first started with Florida 4-H more than 25 years ago, I didn’t understand all the fuss about judging contests. Fortunately, I’ve had some wonderful volunteers, agents, and youth that have educated me about what it’s REALLY all about….
Youth who participate in ag judging do learn a lot about agriculture. The learn about the science behind raising food, and why it’s important. But some of the most important lessons they learn having nothing to do about agriculture. Through this program, they learn about higher order thinking skills such as decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking. They also learn about communication and teamwork. These are skills that transfer to any future career and can help them in their personal lives as well.
The North Florida Fair Ag Judging Contest takes place during 4-H Day at the Fair in Tallahassee, Florida. This contest will cover judging steers, heifers, eggs, hay, and grains. This contest is for youth 4-H ages 8-18 who are interested in learning how to judge agriculture. To participate in this contest youth must register in 4-H Online and contact your 4-H Agent to sign up. If you have any questions about this event, please email Robbie Jones r.jones1@ufl.edu or Evie Hunter (evie.hunter@ufl.edu).
To prepare for this event, ask your local UF IFAS Extension office about workshops or team practices. Additionally, we have lots of material available online:
Florida 4-H Livestock Judging Curriculum (includes activities)
Livestock Judging EDIS Factsheet (Florida)
Livestock Judging Guide (Kansas)
Livestock Judging Explore Guide (Texas)
If you have missed one of our previous Fair Friday posts, check the links out below:
The History of Fairs & Why they are Part of 4-H
Beyond the Blue Ribbon: Making the Most of Your Fair Experience
Outdoor Adventures: Considerations for Introducing Youth to the World of Hunting
Hunting, when approached responsibly, can be a rewarding and educational experience for young individuals. As a 4-H agent dedicated to fostering a love for the outdoors, I recognize the importance of instilling a strong foundation of ethics and safety when introducing youth to the world of hunting. To ensure a positive and educational introduction to this amazing tradition, several key considerations should be considered.
- Safety Training and Ethical Hunting Practices:
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) offers comprehensive safety resources, emphasizing the importance of proper firearm handling, wildlife identification, and safe hunting practices. Educating young hunters about the critical role of safety protocols ensures a secure and enjoyable experience in the field. There are a variety of hunter safety courses available. Visit the Which Hunter Safety Course Is Right For You? | FWC (myfwc.com) webpage to find out what course to see what may work best for your family. If you have completed an online course and have a certificate, you can participate in the upcoming Field Day on November 18, 2023 at West Pittman Baptist Church in Holmes County. Visit the Hunter Safety Registration (site.com) webpage to register or find other courses in your area on a different date.
- First Shot Fundamentals:
Holmes County 4-H has been awarded several grants from the The National Rifle Association (NRA) Foundation. Our Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Program includes archery, rifle, and shotgun disciplines. Youth members learn “first shot fundamentals” that will translate to important life skills as they may choose to ultimately participate in hunting opportunities. Emphasizing the values of fair chase, respect for wildlife, and the importance of humane and responsible harvesting helps instill a deep appreciation for the natural world and ecosystem.
- Conservation Education:
Collaborating with 4-H programs that incorporate conservation education can help young hunters understand the vital role they play in wildlife conservation and habitat preservation. Teaching the principles of sustainable hunting and the importance of maintaining ecological balance contributes to the development of environmentally conscious and responsible hunters. This also includes ongoing education and research related to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Holmes County and the surrounding region to learn what we, as hunters, can do to help.
- Mentorship Programs:
The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission often organizes mentorship programs that pair experienced hunters with newcomers. These programs, align with 4-H’s emphasis on positive youth development and foster a supportive learning environment. Mentors follow the guidance outlined in mentorship materials to provide hands-on training, impart valuable skills, and promote the development of strong ethical values in young hunters. Visit the Mentored Hunts Registration (site.com) webpage to find upcoming opportunities across the state of Florida.
- Legal Compliance and Regulations:
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) provides up-to-date information on hunting regulations, licensing requirements, and seasonal restrictions. Educating youth about these regulations instills a sense of responsibility and legal compliance, contributing to the cultivation of law-abiding and conscientious hunters.
By integrating these considerations into the process of introducing youth to hunting, we can ensure that they develop not only a passion for the sport, but also a respect for wildlife and the natural world. Together, we can foster the next generation of responsible and ethical hunters who prioritize safety, conservation, and ethical hunting practices in their outdoor adventures. For more information about how your youth can get involved with Holmes County 4-H, visit the Holmes County 4-H (holmescounty4h.com) webpage.

Keeping Your Pets Warm and Safe This Winter
As we enjoyed a beautiful Christmas day in the panhandle, we need to start to brace for some colder weather as we welcome the new year. Here are a few ideas on how to protect your animals in the colder weather. During this upcoming cold snap, your “critters” will rely on you to survive it. As you think about how to best protect your outside pets and livestock, remember the three W’s. (more…)
Chick Chain Project begins September 1, 2023
Who can participate in the NW District Chick Chain Project? 4-H Youth ages 5-18 from the Northwest District of Florida can enroll and participate in the NW Florida 4-H Chick Chain project. Those counties include Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington.
What is the Chick Chain project?
Join 4-Hers from our 16-county Northwest Extension district and learn how to raise and care for chickens. At the end of the project, there’s a district show where you’ll show off your birds and everything you’ve learned. This website will support you throughout your project. (more…)