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4-H in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension

4-H Club Chartering Clarified

Permission to use the 4-H name and emblem is granted through our club chartering process. Club charters are granted on an annual basis.  4-H agents meet with club volunteers at the beginning of each 4-H year to make sure clubs meet this criterion, then the information...

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Meet the Author- Claire Reach

Claire Reach is the UF/IFAS 4-H & Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in Calhoun County, Florida. Claire grew up part time in Birmingham, Alabama and on her family’s farm, L & L Angus Farm, in Auburn, Alabama. The family farm is Claire’s driving force behind...

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A mission statement is an organization’s goals and the method(s) to achieve those goals. An organization’s vision statement is where that organization sees their position in society in the future.  These two statements may be written separately or combined into one...

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