by ifwpadmnwdistrict | Oct 7, 2016
These documents will help County Extension Faculty in developing strategies for Extension Program Enhancement.

If you have questions contact your DED.
by ifwpadmnwdistrict | Feb 16, 2014
There’s an old saying in Washington: “You’re only as effective as the paper you leave behind.” Translated into beyond-the-beltway- speak, this means that a successful lobbyist (professional or amateur) must write and leave behind documents that are clear, concise, and memorable. This best practices guide provides some recommendations about how to write advocacy documents that get read and not discarded.
Check out all the Best Practice Guides at but as your
team begins to form here’s a quick look at “what to leave behind”
by ifwpadmnwdistrict | Jun 7, 2013
The 100-year anniversary of the signing of the Smith-Lever
Act of 1914 which officially created the national Cooperative
Extension System will take place in 2014. This celebration will highlight
Extension’s past and focus on the contemporary application of Extension’s
transformational educational programming into the future.