The second annual Panhandle Corn & Soybean Update took place in Chipley last Friday. The event was a great success, with standing room only in the classroom. Attendees received updates on: 1) Weed, 2) Insect, 3) Disease, and 4) Fertility management strategies in both field corn and soybeans. If you were unable to attend, or just wish you would have taken better notes, there are links to the slide sets for each of the presentations below. If you have questions about the slides, please reach out to the the presenter or your county’s agriculture extension agent for further explanation.

full meeting room

A full house of 64 people heard Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, present on weed management strategies, at the Corn & Soybean Update, in Chipley, on February 3.  Photo Credit: Mark Mauldin UF/IFAS

Speaker Presentation Slides

There were nine presentations provided at this training.  Use the links to download printer friendly PDF versions of these presentations.


Weed Management in Field Corn & Weed Management in Soybeans

Slides courtesy of Dr. Eric Prostko (UGA), Presented by Ethan Carter (UF/IFAS)

Insect Management in Field Corn

Presented by Dr. Katelyn Kesheimer, (Auburn)

Disease Management in Corn & Soybean

Presented by Dr. Bob Kemerait (UGA)

Soil Fertility Management for Corn & Soybean

Presented by Dr. Glen Harris (UGA)

Additional Information

AgriGold Silage Corn Varieties

AgriGold Field Corn Varieties

Nutrien Ag Solutions Variety Update

Soybean Research and Information Network

Presented by Dr. Emma Matcham (UF/IFAS)

sponsor logos

The event would not have been possible without support from our industry sponsors.

Mark Mauldin