UF/IFAS Extension will be hosting a Small Ruminant Nutrition Workshop in Quincy, Florida on March 12, 2024.  The event will be held at the North Florida Research and Education Center, 155 Research Rd, Quincy, FL 32351.

The event will feature University of Florida specialists, veterinarian expertise, and others. The event will primarily be focused on the unique nutrition needs of sheep and goats.  Planned topics to include basics of animal nutrition, feed and forage options for small ruminants, special nutrition needs of finishing meat animals and lactating dairy animals, fencing demonstrations for sheep and goats, and nutrition impacts on animal performance.

Registration for the event will begin at 9:00 AM EST and be followed by the start of the program at 9:30 AM EST. The program will be followed by a lunch sponsored by Lost Creek Wholesale, Marketer of Universal Feeders. Please pre-register for the program by March 5th to assist with lunch preperations. You can Register for the event with the following link to the Eventbrite registration website. Registration is $20. We hope to see you our event targeted for sheep and goat owners of herds of all sizes!

Register on Eventbrite

Agenda (All times Eastern)
9:00 am Registration
9:30 am- Animal Nutrition Basics, Dr. Marcelo Wallau UF Agronomy
10:00 am – Feedstuffs and Forages for Small Ruminants, Dr. Alexander Grau & Kacey Aukema
10:35 am – Nutrition Considerations for Finishing Meat Animals and Lactating Dairy Animals, Dr. Dan Quadros, U of Arkansas via Zoom
11:05 AM – Fencing Demonstration, Nick Simmons UF/IFAS Extension Escambia County
11: 35 AM – Nutritional Impacts on Performance for Small Ruminants, Dr. Brittany Diehl UF College of Vet Medicine

We appreciate our Sponsors:

Lost Creek Wholesale, Distributor of Universal Feeders

Grau Veterinary Services

The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For accessibility accommodations, please contact Kacey Aukema: 850-892-8172 or kdaukema@ufl.edu at least 1 week in advance. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.

Kacey Aukema