On the Lookout for Peanut Diseases

On the Lookout for Peanut Diseases

The rainy June and July have been both a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because the crops have not suffered for lack of water and a curse for peanut because wet fields prevented or delayed fungicide application and because it provides ideal conditions for fungal...
Spotted Wilt Virus showing up in Jackson County Peanuts

Spotted Wilt Virus showing up in Jackson County Peanuts

Always unpredictable, spotted wilt disease of peanut in the southeast has ebbed and flowed over the years.  For many years, the disease was moderate to severe at the North Florida Research and Education Center near Mariana, Florida.  Then in 2010, the incidence...
2016 Peanut Variety Update

2016 Peanut Variety Update

Yield Potential While the majority of seed for peanut planting this year will be Georiga-06G, there are several varieties in seed increase that farmers should become familiar with. Table 1 shows the performance of peanut varieties in Florida over the past four years...