1st Quarter 2023 Weather Summary and Growing Season Outlook

1st Quarter 2023 Weather Summary and Growing Season Outlook

The third straight La Niña winter played out much like it was forecast to be, warm and dry.  In the Panhandle, winter rainfall was not at all uniform, as can be seen in the map on the left above.  The sections in purple, mauve, and hot pink received more than...
Friday Feature: 100 Years of Farmall (CaseiH) Tractors

Friday Feature: 100 Years of Farmall (CaseiH) Tractors

The first Farmall tractor was produced by International Harvester (IH) in 1923. Bert R. Benjamin, IH Engineer, had a vision for a tractor that could replace horses. He developed a revolutionary design that changed farming forever. In 1932, Farmall went all red with...
Friday Feature:  Clic R Weight for Cattle Management

Friday Feature: Clic R Weight for Cattle Management

At the recent NFREC Beef & Forage Field Day, one of the sponsors introduced relatively new technology for the cattle industry.  Clic R Weight has been working with Dr. Nicolas DiLorenzo, UF/IFAS Cattle Nutrition Specialist, to refine technology that can utilize...