2022 Average Farmland Rent and Farm-Worker Wages

2022 Average Farmland Rent and Farm-Worker Wages

  Discussions about money can be awkward in almost every type of relationship, but even more so between landowners and farmers, or employers and employees.  As we close out 2022, many farmers and landowners have begun discussions about renewing leases and...
Friday Feature:  Low-Stress Cattle Handling in Cowpens

Friday Feature: Low-Stress Cattle Handling in Cowpens

This week’s featured video was produced by Oklahoma State for their SUNUP TV program.  Low-stress cattle handling is one of the cornerstone concepts of Beef Quality Assurance (BQA).  Handling cattle calmly in small groups reduces bruising and injury of both...
November Weather Summary & Winter Climate Outlook

November Weather Summary & Winter Climate Outlook

Rainfall November was yet another dry month for much of the Panhandle.  Tropical Storm Nicole and a few cold fronts brought some drought relief to Northwest Florida, but not enough to end the current drought. In the map above to the left you can see that only a small...
Friday Feature:  The Farmer Poem for Farm-City Week

Friday Feature: The Farmer Poem for Farm-City Week

This week’s featured video is actually one I shared previously, but because it has such a great message for Farm-City Week, I wanted to highlight it again.  The video was published by Land O’ Lakes to bring to life a poem written in the late 1800s by...