Friday Feature:  Growing Plants in Soil from the Moon

Friday Feature: Growing Plants in Soil from the Moon

Researchers at the University of Florida (UF/IFAS) have successfully grown plants in lunar soil extracted from three NASA missions to the Moon.  Rob Feral and Anna Lisa Paul, UF/IFAS Horticulture Department, were the first scientist to show that plants can be grown in...
Friday Feature:  Aero Recon Ultralight Aircraft for Farmers

Friday Feature: Aero Recon Ultralight Aircraft for Farmers

This week’s featured video was produced by Farm Progress Daily for use in a recent article in SE Farm Press to highlight a prototype ultralight aircraft that is being debuted at the 2022 Farm Progress Show, in Boone Iowa next week.  The Ryse Aero Recon is an...
Friday Feature:  Great Florida Cattle Drive 2016

Friday Feature: Great Florida Cattle Drive 2016

This week’s featured video was published by the Associated Press to share highlights from the 2016 Great Florida Cattle Drive, which was the third such ride held to commemorate the history of cattle production in Florida.  The Florida Cow Culture Preservation...