What are the Benefits of Freezer Beef?

What are the Benefits of Freezer Beef?

Some benefits/advantages of buying freezer beef are you can often see the live animal you are purchasing, how it was raised, and what it was fed. Also, you can choose how long you want the carcass aged, what cuts of meat you want, and how many pounds of meat per...
Beef Cow Herd Down 2% From July 2020

Beef Cow Herd Down 2% From July 2020

  USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released the July 1, 2021 Cattle Inventory Report at the end of last month.  This report shows that the National Cattle Inventory has continued to shrink since the peak in 2018.  The chart above...
Marketing Considerations to Maximize Cow-Calf Revenue

Marketing Considerations to Maximize Cow-Calf Revenue

  Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County and Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Beef Cattle & Forage Economist   After six articles rambling about revenues, it’s time to wrap up this discussion. We’ve been through a variety of topics all with the intent...