Using Growth Implants in Calves and Stockers

Using Growth Implants in Calves and Stockers

There was a lot of good that came out of the early 1950’s.  To name a few: super glue was invented, I Love Lucy premiered on CBS, Alaska and Hawaii became U.S. States, and growth promoting implants were developed for cattle.  While super glue is very handy, and we all...
Friday Feature:  Nitrate Leaching Research Summary

Friday Feature: Nitrate Leaching Research Summary

This week’s featured video highlights the work of a member of the Panhandle Ag Extension Team.  Cheryl Mackowiak, UF/IFAS Forage Soil Scientist, and her research team have been evaluating different methods that can be used to minimize nitrate leaching from crop...
Integrating Perennial Peanut into Grazing Operations

Integrating Perennial Peanut into Grazing Operations

Jose Dubeux, Liza Garcia, David Jaramillo, Erick Santos, Flavia van Cleef, Luana Queiroz, Carlos Garcia, Daciele Abreu, Martin Ruiz-Moreno – Introduction Perennial warm-season grasses (e.g., bahiagrass, bermudagrass) are the backbone of livestock operations in...