Cotton Marketing News:  Smaller US Crop Now Seems Likely

Cotton Marketing News: Smaller US Crop Now Seems Likely

Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics – USDA’s June 30 Acreage Report said US cotton growers planted 12.185 million acres this year.  Using that planted acreage and assuming average yield and abandonment for the past 10 years, last week’s Crop...
Cotton Marketing News:  Neutral Market Continues

Cotton Marketing News: Neutral Market Continues

Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics – Futures Prices USDA’s Acreage report, the first estimate of actual acres planted, will be out next week on Tuesday, June 30th.  USDA’s Prospective Plantings report back at the end of March said that...
Cotton Market Commentary:  Mid-June Summary

Cotton Market Commentary: Mid-June Summary

Thursday—June 18, 2020 Here’s the situation and the question on everyone’s mind.  It’s now past mid-June.  Typically by this time, the market has presented growers with at least one “decent” opportunity to market/price a portion of the upcoming crop.  Well, I doubt...