Cotton Marketing News:  Market Shocked and Direction Confirmed

Cotton Marketing News: Market Shocked and Direction Confirmed

Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics Ten days ago, my headline said “Prices Should Begin to Find Direction Soon”.  Direction has now been realized as prices have gained significantly—giving growers new hope after we were in the upper 80’s just a few...
Petition to Revoke use of Thimet and Orthene in Peanuts

Petition to Revoke use of Thimet and Orthene in Peanuts

  Dr. Mark Abney, UGA Peanut Entomologist An NGO group is currently petitioning the US EPA to revoke all food use tolerances for the organophosphate class of chemistry. In peanut this means phorate (Thimet) and acephate (Orthene). This is not a good situation....