Crop Damage from Deer in the Panhandle

Crop Damage from Deer in the Panhandle

  Samantha M. Wisely, Wildlife Extension Specialist, University of Florida White-tailed deer (Figure 1 above) are the most popular game species in Florida, and many Floridians actively promote their presence on their properties. Although wildlife are a valued...
Peanut Maturity & Pest Update – 8/15/24

Peanut Maturity & Pest Update – 8/15/24

Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Extension Regional Row Crop IPM Agent & Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County     Maturity Update The Tracker below shows the number of adjusted Growing Degree Days (aGDDs) accumulated by 80 fictional fields (8 locations x 10...
Cotton Marketing News:  Current Cotton Outlook

Cotton Marketing News: Current Cotton Outlook

Don Shurley, UGA Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics Source:  Text from presentation on the Here We Grow podcast,, Southwest Georgia Farm Credit, Episode #29, forthcoming, taped Aug 7, 2024. There’s no doubt and everyone knows that cotton prices have been...
Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

In scouting peanut fields over the last week, things mostly look good!  Fields have recovered from an excessively hot, dry June, plants have lapped, or nearly lapped the row middles, and weeds are mostly cleaned up.  However, of immediate concern is the emergence of...
Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems Improve Soil Health

Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems Improve Soil Health

J. Portuguez, J. Dubeux, C. Mackowiak, L. Queiroz, , I. Brêtas, K. Trumpp, K. Oduor, M. Bernardini, and M. Ruiz-Moreno, North Florida Research and Education Center   Introduction Maintaining healthy soil is crucial for sustainable agricultural production and...