Friday Funny Feature:  The Return of Mr. Peanut – Baby Nut

Friday Funny Feature: The Return of Mr. Peanut – Baby Nut

This week’s featured video is part two of the Mr. Peanut Super Bowl commercial saga.  The advertising staff of the Planters company must have had a lot of fun dreaming up this advertising campaign for the Super Bowl.  First they killed him off with a heroic act...
Friday Funny Feature:  RIP Mr. Peanut

Friday Funny Feature: RIP Mr. Peanut

This week’s featured video was published by Planters Peanuts.  The company released the following video on social media this past week to preview the upcoming Supper Bowl Commercial that ends Mr Peanut’s 104 -years of advertising campaign for peanut snack...
Cover Crops: A Low Cost Alternative to Irrigation

Cover Crops: A Low Cost Alternative to Irrigation

Irrigation is expensive. And there are a lot of non-irrigated or “dryland” acres across the Panhandle. 2019 was characterized by persistent drought stress for much of the season (see below). So in a dry year like 2019, what are you supposed to do to manage...