Crown Rot Creeps In

Crown Rot Creeps In

Figure 1. Young peanut plant in Jackson County exhibiting symptoms of crown rot (Aspergillus niger). Photo by Ethan Carter. The severity of crown rot varies from year to year, despite its general presence in peanut fields early in the season. Caused by Aspergillus...
Spotted Wilt Virus showing up in Jackson County Peanuts

Spotted Wilt Virus showing up in Jackson County Peanuts

Always unpredictable, spotted wilt disease of peanut in the southeast has ebbed and flowed over the years.  For many years, the disease was moderate to severe at the North Florida Research and Education Center near Mariana, Florida.  Then in 2010, the incidence...

PeanutFARM Irrigation and Harvest Tool is Now Mobile Friendly

Brendan Zurweller and Diane Rowland, UFIFAS Agronomy Department Even in the southeast, where annual rainfall totals would lead you to believe that water stress rarely occurs, depletion of soil water can develop quickly during the peanut growing season.  There are...