Petition to Revoke use of Thimet and Orthene in Peanuts

Petition to Revoke use of Thimet and Orthene in Peanuts

  Dr. Mark Abney, UGA Peanut Entomologist An NGO group is currently petitioning the US EPA to revoke all food use tolerances for the organophosphate class of chemistry. In peanut this means phorate (Thimet) and acephate (Orthene). This is not a good situation....
Friday Feature:  The Weed Zapper Annihilator

Friday Feature: The Weed Zapper Annihilator

This week’s featured video highlights a relatively new technology being studied for weed control in late season crop weed escapes.  The Weed Zapper Annihilator uses a front mounted 3-point hitch bar to pass electricity through weeds above the crop canopy, with a...
Petition to Revoke use of Thimet and Orthene in Peanuts

More Spotted Wilt Showing Up in Florida Peanuts this Year

  So far in June 2022, I’m noticing more spotted wilt in the Suwannee Valley and Gainesville areas than usual.  I’ve found it in early planted peanuts in the Panhandle of Florida too, but that’s more typical.  What’s rare is finding spotted wilt at similar levels...
Time to Scout Peanuts for Lesser Cornstalk Borer

Time to Scout Peanuts for Lesser Cornstalk Borer

Dr. Mark Abney, UGA Peanut Entomologist. If interested in signing up to receive updates from his blog, subscribe here. Regardless of whatever else has to be done on the farm in South Georgia over the next fourteen days, one thing that needs to happen is scouting...