Scout Soybeans for Kudzu Bugs and Redbanded Stink Bugs

Scout Soybeans for Kudzu Bugs and Redbanded Stink Bugs

After a mild winter, with relatively few nights below freezing, it should be no surprise that insect populations are spiking early. One example of this is armyworms, which began showing up in early-mid June across areas of Jackson County, a pest typically found later...
Field Crop Nematode Management Publications Updated

Field Crop Nematode Management Publications Updated

One of my goals since starting as field crop nematologist at the University of Florida last June was to update the nematode management guides for Florida field crops, so that extension agents and growers have access to active copies of these documents.  I’m happy to...
Fungus Keeping Kudzu Bugs below Thresholds on Soybeans

Fungus Keeping Kudzu Bugs below Thresholds on Soybeans

Kudzu bugs are a fairly new pest for our area but are already familiar to residents in Northwest Florida.  Researchers are continuously studying new pests to make research-based control recommendations. One research project (UGA research article) is investigating a...