UF Apprentice Beekeeper Training Now Available Online

UF Apprentice Beekeeper Training Now Available Online

Samantha Murray, UF/IFAS Communications Public Relations Specialist Bee lovers can now start their journey to becoming Master Beekeepers through a new online training program from the UF/IFAS Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab. “The number of people keeping bees in...
Protect Beef Quality with Proper Cattle Hauling Practices

Protect Beef Quality with Proper Cattle Hauling Practices

Since 1991, when the Beef Checkoff funded the first beef quality audit, the U.S. Cattle Industry has made major strides in their efforts to improve the quality of the retail beef sold to consumers.  There were quite a number of key issues that were identified and the...

Whole Farm Integrated Pest Management Video Modules

If you are interested in learning how to manage pests using integrated pest management (IPM) strategies on a whole farm or whole landscape level, a team of University of Florida IFAS Extension faculty has developed a series of video modules just for you. These modules...