Pasture Management During the Spring Transition

Pasture Management During the Spring Transition

  The calendar and the weather agree, spring has sprung. Earlier today I made two observations which lend further credence to that conclusion. 1) my truck has turned yellow (under a thick coating of pollen) and 2) there was a line, literally out the door, at a...
To Control or Not to Control Winter Weeds?

To Control or Not to Control Winter Weeds?

While it may still be quite warm outside, it’s November.  Summer is gone and with it our opportunity to efficiently manage this year’s crop of summer pasture weeds. That, however, is not the case for winter weeds. Now is the time to begin scouting and...
Improve Your Pasture Management this Spring

Improve Your Pasture Management this Spring

Below is a pared down version of an article I wrote for the January issue of the Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. I also addressed these topics in a presentation I gave along the same lines at the NW FL Beef Cattle Conference in February. Both the writing of...