by Marcelo Wallau | Mar 10, 2023
Marcelo Wallau, Forage Extension Specialist, Agronomy Department, Nicolas Caram, PhD student, Agronomy Department, and Brent Sellers, Weed Specialist, Range Cattle Research and Education Center With warm temperatures and recent rains, bahiagrass and...
by Doug Mayo | Jul 15, 2022
Yes, the title sounds sort of hard to believe, but it is a new technology being researched for feasibility. Not that unlike virtual dog fences that use collars and buried wires, this system uses satellites and base stations for wireless communication to collars on...
by Doug Mayo | Jul 1, 2022
As I travel around Jackson County lately I have noticed that pasture grass is in short supply on most livestock operations. The combination of flash drought (95-102° temperatures without rainfall) and little fertilization of pastures has taken its toll. To me the...