Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is certainly not new on the scene, and while it is widely used on stocker operations and dairies, it has been my observation that this fast growing, high quality, summer annual grass is somewhat under utilized on cow-calf operations....
A cattle producer contacted me earlier this spring to investigate a “pretty but unusual” weed that had quickly spread over a pasture. This field had been planted this past fall with certified oat seed for winter forage. While definitely pretty, it was obvious that...
The subject of this video is a no-till cool-season livestock & wildlife forage demonstration, in Gulf County. There are a number of ag extension agents across the state that have participated with state specialists and landowners to implement this past season’s...
On my last site consultation before COVID-19 confined everyone to our offices and homes, I visited with a local perennial peanut hay farmer who was very concerned about a “new” weed infiltrating a pasture which is two years into the establishment phase. He was...
Here in the Southeastern United States we are fortunate to have adequate conditions to grow quality forages for livestock production. Adequate management can also allow for producers to grow a desired quantity of forages that can be used in various ways, such as...
First things first, I’m not writing this to scold anybody… I’m just concerned. I wrote an article for the Small Producer’s Corner section of the September issue of The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal (it’s a great publication,join FCA today, a subscription is...