by Doug Mayo | Aug 4, 2023
This week’s featured video, published by FieldView (Digital Farming Software Platform), is a documentary that follows an Iowa corn & soybean farmer through one growing season. Check out the 24-minute video that shares the highlights of a single crop year...
by Doug Mayo | Jun 16, 2023
This week’s featured video was published by the Farm Monitor, Georgia Farm Bureau’s TV show shared weekly on various stations in the state. This video highlights sweet corn harvest at Rentz Family Farms, near Bainbridge, Georgia. According to Kevin...
by Mark Mauldin | May 19, 2023
Calling all watermelon producers, either commercial growers or hard-core gardeners. It’s almost time to enter your finest melons in the Big Melon Contest at the Panhandle Watermelon Festival. The festival and the contest have been summer-time staples in the...
by Doug Mayo | May 5, 2023
This week’s featured video was published by Cattlemen to Cattlemen as a part of an Earth Day special that featured Florida Cattle Ranchers. In the following video, FCA President Wes Carlton talks about Bull Hammock Ranch, and how the Carltons manage water,...
by Saundra TenBroeck | Feb 17, 2023
Saundra TenBroeck, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida The American Horse Council (AHC) is a national association representing every segment of the equine industry in Washington, DC. Every five years they conduct a National Economic Impact Study...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 17, 2023
This week’s featured video is the official trailer for season 2 of Clarkson’s Farm. Jeremy Clarkson is a famous British television personality who bought a farm in Cotswold, England and created a reality TV show available on Amazon Prime. In the second...