Friday Feature:  The Farmer Poem for Farm-City Week

Friday Feature: The Farmer Poem for Farm-City Week

This week’s featured video is actually one I shared previously, but because it has such a great message for Farm-City Week, I wanted to highlight it again.  The video was published by Land O’ Lakes to bring to life a poem written in the late 1800s by...
Friday Feature:  What is Agronomy?

Friday Feature: What is Agronomy?

Farm-City Week starts next Wednesday, so I wanted to share a good video to help people learn about agriculture.  According to the Mariam-Webster Dictionary, “Agronomy is a branch of agriculture dealing with field-crop production and soil management.”  In...
Friday Feature:  McArthur Farms’ 2022 Peanut Harvest

Friday Feature: McArthur Farms’ 2022 Peanut Harvest

This week’s video was produced by Jim MacArthur, McArthur Farms, Malone, Florida, for his Field Rows YouTube Channel.  This video shows the farm crew in action during the height of the 2022 peanut harvest season.  With his video camera and drone, Jim shows all...
Friday Feature:  Celebrating Beekeeping – A Labor of Love

Friday Feature: Celebrating Beekeeping – A Labor of Love

This week’s featured video was published by the National Honey Board to make the general public aware of the benefits of the bee industry.  They did a great job creating this ag awareness video that shares the positive story of beekeeping.  This would be the...