2023 Southeastern Hay Contest

2023 Southeastern Hay Contest

Source:  Sunbelt Ag Expo We are excited to welcome back the Southeastern Hay Contest to the Sunbelt Ag Expo this fall. Since 2004, the Southeastern Hay Contest has kept hay growers striving to be the best. One of the largest attendee groups at Expo is made up of those...
2022 Panhandle Ag e-News Reader’s Choice Awards

2022 Panhandle Ag e-News Reader’s Choice Awards

The Panhandle Ag Extension Team would like to thank our email subscribers and social media followers for your interest and support of Panhandle Ag e-News in 2022.  Keep sharing those emails, posts, and tweets to help us spread the word, so more farmers and ranchers...
Friday Feature:  The Farmer Poem for Farm-City Week

Friday Feature: The Farmer Poem for Farm-City Week

This week’s featured video is actually one I shared previously, but because it has such a great message for Farm-City Week, I wanted to highlight it again.  The video was published by Land O’ Lakes to bring to life a poem written in the late 1800s by...