Friday Feature:  The History of Bobcat Loaders

Friday Feature: The History of Bobcat Loaders

This week’s featured video was published by Prairie Public Television to share the history of the Bobcat Loader.  Two ingenious brothers, Cyril and Louis Keller, grew up on a dairy farm in Minnesota.  Their father usually repaired broken machinery parts rather...
Friday Feature:  Haygain Hay Steamer for Horses

Friday Feature: Haygain Hay Steamer for Horses

This week’s featured video was produced by Haygain Hay Steamers to introduce their product line.  Many horses, especially older ones, suffer from respiratory issues.  According to Haygain, steaming hay prior to feeding can reduce up to 99% of the respirable...
Friday Feature:  Automated Laser Bird Deterrent

Friday Feature: Automated Laser Bird Deterrent

This week’s featured video was published by the Bird Control Group to highlight the Avix Autonomic laser bird deterrent.  The laser is programmed to continuously move in an area and scare off but not harm wild birds.  They also sell a manual, hand held  model...