Beef Herd Expansion Progress Report

Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist We are now two years into herd expansion and that leads to questions of how much more herd expansion is ahead and, to a lesser degree, questions about how fast remaining herd expansion...
High Tunnels Can Exclude Vegetable Pests

High Tunnels Can Exclude Vegetable Pests

High tunnel crop production has steadily increased in Northwest Florida, with many utilizing funding from the Natural Resource Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). There are many benefits to high tunnel production with...

Whole Farm Integrated Pest Management Video Modules

If you are interested in learning how to manage pests using integrated pest management (IPM) strategies on a whole farm or whole landscape level, a team of University of Florida IFAS Extension faculty has developed a series of video modules just for you. These modules...
Cover Crops

Cover Crops

Cover crops have been used by agricultural producers for thousands of years.  However, we have seen a decline in cover crop use over the past century, as the use of commercial fertilizers have increased.  Even though they are readily available and easy to use,...