Friday Feature: Barn2Door Online Farm Direct Sales

Friday Feature: Barn2Door Online Farm Direct Sales

One thing that has changed dramatically in our country since 2020 is online sales of consumer products.  This includes direct sales from farms of all types.  The challenge is that much of the technology needed to make online sales work smoothly requires a significant...
Friday Feature:  Louisiana Crawfish Farming

Friday Feature: Louisiana Crawfish Farming

In this week’s featured video, Daniel Geneen documents a working tour of a Louisiana Crawfish and Rice Farming operation for the Eater YouTube Channel.  This gives the whole concept of double cropping a whole new meaning. Rice farmers like Mike Frugé of Cajun...
Winter Pond Management

Winter Pond Management

Typically, when we think of ponds we think of Summertime, a hot sunny day, and a fishing pole. However, as seasons change so should our management mindset to ensure a healthy pond throughout the year. Like our trees that loose their leaves, ponds are also influenced...
2022 Average Farmland Rent and Farm-Worker Wages

2022 Average Farmland Rent and Farm-Worker Wages

  Discussions about money can be awkward in almost every type of relationship, but even more so between landowners and farmers, or employers and employees.  As we close out 2022, many farmers and landowners have begun discussions about renewing leases and...