Friday Feature:  Cattle Traceability Update from CattleTrace

Friday Feature: Cattle Traceability Update from CattleTrace

This week’s featured video was published by U.S. CattleTrace, which is a non-profit organization, formed by multiple state cattlmen’s associations and private industry, with the mission of securely maintaining and managing the data collected for disease...
USDA Animal Disease Traceability Update: EID Tags and More

USDA Animal Disease Traceability Update: EID Tags and More

Individually identifying animals is nothing new for the cattle industry. While many producers are familiar with traditional visual tags, there are some changes coming down the pipeline for individual animal identification.  The talk of animal traceability has been...
CWD Update from a Hunter’s Perspective

CWD Update from a Hunter’s Perspective

As hunters we are all concerned and want to understand what is going on with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). With the cool in the air, hunting season is defiantly on everyone’s mind. With that there has been a lot of information that has come out recently to...