Where to Start with Marketing Fresh Produce?

Where to Start with Marketing Fresh Produce?

The local food movement has grown tremendously over the past several years. People have become more interested in how their food is produced and where it comes from. New farms have popped up to try to satisfy this demand. You might be one of these new farmers and you...
Late Winter Citrus Management Considerations

Late Winter Citrus Management Considerations

Both niche market farmers and home gardeners may be uncertain about late winter management of Satsuma trees.  Several questions that have come in to the Extension Office recently include: Should I prune my trees? Why are the leaves yellow? How soon should I...

2016 Corn Variety Trial Summary from Jay, Florida

Santa Rosa County is not a major corn producer, as compared to the Midwest, but farmers there do grow 600-800 acres of field corn each year. These producers plant corn as a summer rotational crop, some for cattle feed, and a significant acreage is planted and sold to...
Hosting a Farm Tour is an Excellent Marketing Tool

Hosting a Farm Tour is an Excellent Marketing Tool

One excellent way to increase farm sales is to host a farm tour. In 2013 the Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 1106, protecting farmers and ranchers from liability as long as activities are directly related to agriculture. This has opened up many opportunities...