Growing Native Yaupons for Tea Leaf Harvest

Growing Native Yaupons for Tea Leaf Harvest

Yaupon holly (Ilex spp.) are native plants to that grow very well and abundantly in Florida soils.  Yaupon is a very old plant that historically has been used as an important food source, medicine, and even used as a ceremonial item by Timucua Indigenous groups for...
Friday Feature:  Growing Plants in Soil from the Moon

Friday Feature: Growing Plants in Soil from the Moon

Researchers at the University of Florida (UF/IFAS) have successfully grown plants in lunar soil extracted from three NASA missions to the Moon.  Rob Feral and Anna Lisa Paul, UF/IFAS Horticulture Department, were the first scientist to show that plants can be grown in...
Diaprepes Root Weevil Expands its Spread in the Panhandle

Diaprepes Root Weevil Expands its Spread in the Panhandle

Matt Lollar, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa, and Dr. Xavier Martini, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy The diaprepes root weevil (aka the Apopka weevil) is expanding its spread in North Florida and is now in Bay County.  The weevil has...