Friday Funny: The Frozen Carburetor

Back in January, on a bitterly cold winter’s day in North Dakota, a State Trooper out on patrol came upon a motorcyclist who was stalled by the roadside. The biker was swathed in heavy protective clothing and wearing a full-face helmet to protect the face from...
Friday Funny:  The Guard Mule

Friday Funny: The Guard Mule

This week’s joke was sent in by Cheryl Vergot, Tallahassee, FL. Thanks for sharing Cheryl!   As is most often the case these days, a young farmer married a cute city-girl who grew up in a nearby town.  Soon after their fancy, country-club wedding, the farmer...

Friday Funny: The Shingles

Kevin inherited a 200 acre farm from his father.  He worked very hard for several years, but just could not earn enough to provide for his family.  So, he started working in town driving a delivery truck part-time to provide additional off-farm income. Those of us who...

Friday Funny: Valentine’s Surprise

Last week the joke of the week picked on the menfolk.  This weeks funny is on the women. A group of farmers’ wives regularly met for coffee on Friday mornings in a small Florida Panhandle town.  The conversations varied each week, but many times were spent...
Friday Funny: Marriage Counseling and BBQ Piñatas

Friday Funny: Marriage Counseling and BBQ Piñatas

A farmer and his wife had a challenging marriage.  They seemed to fight every night, so the farmer just got up earlier and worked later each day until he was only at home long enough to eat, bathe, and sleep.  This went on for a few months until finally his wife got...

Friday Funny: The Motorcycle Accident Praise Report

A Florida farmer had a very embarrassing moment at the country church where his wife had grown up, in the next county over.  He was recovering from a very serious motorcycle injury.  The farmer had kept his injuries a secret from his in-laws, because his father-in-law...